Opinionpaper in Nahaufnahme

Opinion Paper

Das Narrativ des Marktversagens Download
Freiwillige CO2 Kompensation – Greenwashing oder ein nachhaltiges Konzept? Download
Der Optimismus überwiegt - Ein neues Regierungsbündnis für Deutschland Download
Energy Security – Europe’s Green Sovereignty? Download

Zusätzlich zu unseren Opinion Papers veröffentlicht unser CEO und Mitbegründer Roman Rosslenbroich regelmäßig Opinion Articles. Diese sind ausschließlich in englischer Sprache vorhanden und unten zu finden.

Batteriespeichersysteme Anlage
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This could be a pivotal year for Battery Energy Storage Solutions

2023 could be a pivotal year in the development of Europe’s Battery Energy Storage Solutions (BESS). The deployment of storage technology will play a…

Windräder in der Landschaft
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Renewable energy investment is under threat

Despite Europe experiencing its hottest year on record there are worrying signs of a market intervention that would curtail investment in renewable…

Windpark Klein Leine
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Germany must not suffocate its renewables sector

Reports that Germany plans to claw back 90% of the earnings of some renewable energy generators are sending the wrong signal to the market. The move…

Photovoltaik Solaranlage von Aquila Capital
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How renewables can fight inflation

Renewable energy will play an important part in breaking the reliance on fossil fuels that has led to rising inflation and a cost-of-living crisis…

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