view on a huge solar park
Solar PV
Fast growing technology with attractive risk-return profile
11,970 MWp
capacity installed and/or under development
parks in portfolio
as at: 31.12.2023


Solarpark Deutschland Büttel
Solar PV

Aquila Capital European Balanced Renewables Fund (EBRF) exceeds capital commitments of EUR 500 million

- A diversified strategy for clean energy investments that benefits from investments in different technologies, project stages and markets

- Targeted…

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Solar PV

Aquila Clean Energy wins IJGlobal Award for best Renewable Energy Solar deal in Europe in 2022

- Aquila Clean Energy has won the award for its EUR 1 billion construction facility for renewable energy projects in Southern Europe executed in 2022 …

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Solar PV

Aquila Capital signs an agreement with Viridi RE and Solar Ambition for a 500 mw solar PV portfolio in Spain

• Aquila Capital acquires a 500 MW solar PV portfolio under development in Spain from Viridi RE and Solar Ambition, that once in operation will…

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Solar PV

Aquila Capital and Alpiq sign a 5 - year PPA for its 50 MW solar plant in Almeria

• The energy supplied in this PPA is 100% renewable and will be generated in a 50MW solar park from Aquila Capital located in Almería, Spain

• The…

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Solar PV

Statkraft signs a PPA with Aquila Capital for its 50 MW solar plant in Spain

• The energy supplied in this PPA is 100% renewable and will be generated in a 50MW solar park located in Almería, Spain.

• This is Statkraft’s first…

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Solar PV

Aquila Capital acquires four photovoltaics projects in Portugal

13/12/2017 - The projects are located in central and southern Portugal and will have an installed capacity of over 170 MWp.


Eine große Photovoltaik Investments Anlage auf einem Feld
Solar PV

Aquila Capital completes divestment of second photovoltaic project in Japan

11/04/2017 - Aquila Capital has completed the development of a PV project in Japan with an installed capacity of 38.4 MWp and has sold it to a local…

Eine große Photovoltaik Investments Anlage auf einem Feld
Solar PV

Aquila Capital expands its photovoltaic portfolio with new investment in Japan

14/12/2016 - The photovoltaic park will have an installed capacity of 38.4 MWp once it is connected to the grid.

Eine große Photovoltaik Investments Anlage auf einem Feld
Solar PV

Aquila Capital expands its photovoltaic-portfolio in UK

17/08/2015 - Installed capacity of 9.8 MWp in Nottinghamshire.

Eine große Photovoltaik Investments Anlage auf einem Feld
Solar PV

Aquila Capital acquires photovoltaic plant in the UK

03/06/2015 - Installed capacity of 7.2 MWp in Banwell near Bristol.

Eine große Photovoltaik Investments Anlage auf einem Feld
Solar PV

Aquila Capital acquires 57 MWp photovoltaic portfolio in the south of France

26/05/2015 - Six photovoltaic parks with an installed capacity of 57 MWp.

Invest in solar pv and generate clean electricity

As well as being very environmentally friendly, solar energy provides stable and predictable cash flows with relatively low volatility, thereby making it an attractive asset class for investors. The result: our global solar park portfolio has been growing continuously since 2009.

Our specialised expert team has excellent market knowledge and extensive investment experience in the solar pv sector. The investment team is supported by a dedicated asset management team. Our local presence allows our experts to actively manage our investment projects. Complementary to Aquila Capital's active asset management approach, the Merchant Market Desk pursues a similar strategy in developing market pricing strategies and structuring power purchase agreements (PPAs).

The Aquila Group's development platforms are the primary source of assets for Aquila Capital's funds. Aquila Clean Energy is our preferred partner for asset sourcing in the field of renewable energies.

Alle Videos
Ninetynine Seconds
Annika Stefan bei einer Photovoltaik Anlage
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Solar PV

Development of a solar PV plant

Annika Wagner and Stefan Rothschuh, Project Developers for greenfield solar pv in Germany, are explaining the various steps that are needed for a solar park development. From land scouting and liaising with landowners and local municipalities, rendering the environmental studies and obtaining the required building permits, securing the grid connection, performing the technical planning of the project and organising the EPC until construction, the Aquila Clean Energy development team is taking care of the necessary steps needed for a solar pv project.

On-Site Photovoltaic
Ignacio Rios an Solarpark LaCabrita
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Solar PV

Solar PV plant in Almeria, Spain

In the Tabernas desert, in the South of Spain, we have realised the solar PV plant “La Cabrita”. Ignacio Ríos, Project Construction Manager at Aquila Capital, is introducing the large solar PV park and its characteristics. La Cabrita, which was built minimising the environmental impact, spans over a total area of 120 hectares and has an installed capacity of around 50MW.

On-Site Solar PV
AQ-Ampere Photovoltaikanlage
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Solar PV

Project Development and Asset Management under one Roof

Under its subsidiary brand AQ Ampere, Aquila Capital develops solar PV parks in Germany. David Mayer, Nader Mottahedin and Jane Coenen-Blunck explain the team's holistic approach. AQ Ampere manages solar PV projects from land acquisition through development and construction to the ongoing management of the plants.

Clean Energy
Aquila Capital Joakim Johnsen
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Power Purchase Agreements

Ninetynine Seconds - Joakim Johnsen on Power Purchase Agreements

Joakim Johnsen, Head of Merchant Market Desk at Aquila Capital, explains about the use of PPAs for renewable energy. He is observing a significant growth of PPAs in the European markets largely due to decreasing costs of renewable energy generation, phasing out of feed-in-tariffs as well as growing corporate demand for green energy. 

Social Responsibility
Förderung von Bienen auf Photovoltaik Anlageflächen
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Solar PV

Ninetynine seconds - Supporting wild bees on photovoltaic sites

Wild bees are central to our ecosystem and biodiversity. But they are threatened species and urgently need protection. Earlier this year, Aquila Capital started a project to colonise wild bees on its solar park land, because the habitat of wild platns and protective structures can help the bees thrive. Together with the University of Oldenburg, we are exploring the possibilities of a wild flower planting programme and providing additional nesting opportunities.

Renewable Energies
Aquila Capital Team member
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Solar PV

Ninetynine seconds - Asset Management Optimisation Renewables

Asset Management Optimisation refers to the intelligent collection, analysis and use of data and information that arise when operating on renewable energy systems. From this, optimisation measures are developed.

Durable technology with storage potential located in proven power markets
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Wind energy
Scalable investments with low levelized cost of energy at quality sites
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Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS)
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Energy Efficiency
Making a valuable contribution to climate protection
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Data Centres
Efficient and sustainable colocation capacities
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Stable cashflows through continuous infrastructure investments
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Green Logistics
New standard: economic and ecological aspects combined
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Environmentally responsible residential areas in attractive locations
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Land Use & Carbon Forestry
Active management for sustainable certified investments
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