Meeting eines Teams


Not just a buzzword
Melanie Döhler
Head Human Resources

Sustainability is not only about treating the environment right, but also about treating our fellow human beings fairly and equitably. We believe that our diversity is an essential factor for success.
Employee figures at Aquila Capital

Diversity is not just a buzzword for us but a tangible aspect of our corporate culture. With a workforce comprised of individuals from 30 different nationalities, Aquila Capital fosters a team of different perspectives and backgrounds. Our commitment to inclusivity is evident in the gender distribution, with women representing a significant 38 % of the staff. Moreover, our workforce is characterised by a spanning over various age groups, from experienced professionals above 50 to dynamic young talents below 30. This inclusive environment extends to leadership roles, where both men and women serve as supervisors, ensuring diverse voices are heard at every level of decision-making. Aquila Capital celebrates diversity as a strength, recognising that it fuels innovation, fosters creativity, and drives success in the global marketplace. 

(figures as at: 31.12.2023)

Gender Equality

Aquila Capital is committed to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations and strives to make a measurable contribution to achieving gender equality by creating a fair and non-discriminatory working environment.

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