Straßenbeleuchtung bei Nacht mit effizienter Energie

Energy Efficiency

Making a valuable contribution to climate protection
projects in portfolio
in 5
key areas: built environment, transport & industry
As at: 31.12.2023

The Strategy

In addition to the expansion of clean energies, energy efficiency is an important component of the energy transition and makes a valuable contribution to climate protection. Significant investment is needed to achieve the 2030 climate targets, but many infrastructure owners and operators do not have the financial resources to adopt the necessary technologies for enhanced efficiency.

Energy efficiency includes a broad range of proven technologies, which benefit the user – typically commercial and industrial companies or the public administration – by reducing its energy costs. Such technologies include LED lighting, cogeneration plants, air conditioning, heating and ventilation technologies, highly efficient boilers as well as roof-mounted photovoltaic plants for self-consumption. By sharing the expected cost savings between the user and the investor, the investor achieves an attractive return while the user reduces immediately its energy cost without incurring any upfront investment.

Our experienced investment team has extensive experience in developing energy efficiency projects with highly attractive risk-adjusted returns across a broad range of sectors, technologies, and counterparties.

The Team

The team has extensive and proven investment experience in the energy efficiency space, having successfully completed more than 40 projects to-date. It benefits from proven deal sourcing capabilities, leveraging a diversified range of different origination channels, as well as an established and standardised investment process.

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Ninetynine Seconds
Energy Efficiency
Robert Hundeshagen
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Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficiency – The First Fuel

Find out why energy efficiency should be considered as “first fuel”. Robert Hundeshagen, Investment Manager at Aquila Capital, explains why energy efficiency investments play a vital role in the energy transition and truly deliver an impact from a return perspective as well as by addressing key UN Sustainable Development Goals.

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Energy Efficiency
Webinar Energy Efficiency
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Energy Efficiency and energy transition – Trends and opportunities for the private market

Learn more about the asset class Energy Efficiency in our webinar with Investment Manager Alex Betts, accompanied by Energy Efficiency experts: Kingsmill Bond (Carbon Tracker) and Peter Sweatman (Climate Strategy & Partners). Aquila Capital’s Client Advisory Director Casilda Perez-Medina moderated the event.

The speakers provide insight into the reasons why to invest in Energy Efficiency projects, discuss what EE projects look like and how they differentiate from other asset classes. Learn about an exceptionally growing asset class and the growing importance of Energy Efficiency as an investment opportunity, as well as its attractive complementary features to a renewables portfolio.

Durable technology with storage potential located in proven power markets
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Wind energy
Scalable investments with low levelized cost of energy at quality sites
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Solar PV
Fast growing technology with attractive risk-return profile
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Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS)
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Data Centres
Efficient and sustainable colocation capacities
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Stable cashflows through continuous infrastructure investments
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Green Logistics
New standard: economic and ecological aspects combined
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Environmentally responsible residential areas in attractive locations
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Land Use & Carbon Forestry
Active management for sustainable certified investments
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