a forestry landscape for investments

Land Use & Carbon Forestry

Active management for sustainable certified investments
Edward Daniels Portrait
Edward Daniels
Team Head Forestry

Forest investments combine economy and ecology in the context of sustainability.

Carbon Forestry

19,500 ha
total transacted in direct investments
13,500 ha
direct investments in current portfolio
8,500 ha
in fund of fund investments
in 6
as at: 31.12.2023

Investing in a better Carbon balance

A rapidly growing world population requires additional infrastructure. The resulting increase in wood consumption per capita is placing global timber firmly in the spotlight. 

At the same time, in the face of climate change, the vital protective functions of forests are becoming increasingly important. Our forest investments therefore combine economy and ecology whilst also fulfilling ethical and sustainable standards. 

Aquila Capital offer institutional investors direct access to professionally managed forest portfolios: with established timber production methods, cash flow and continuous investment in the property driving capital appreciation.  

Due to their nature, timber investments offer stable, risk-adjusted long-term returns. In addition, they demonstrate a low correlation to other asset classes and are protected from inflation by the acquisition of the underlying real property. In addition, timber investments ensure diversification and reduce risk for institutional investors at portfolio level. 

Forests have a superior carbon balance. Not only do trees store greenhouse gases but also produce biomass and oxygen from water, CO2 and sunlight. The sustainability value of our forests is certified by independent organisations (e.g. FSC, PEFC). Thus, we offer investors direct access to certified, sustainable investments with a positive impact. 


Aquila Capital has been investing in timber projects primarily in Europe, Oceania and South America since 2007. Our team has more than 20 years of forest investment experience in over 20 countries on five continents. As a result, our experts have established access to investment opportunities and market information as well as to renowned managers in the sector. 


We offer investors access to a balanced and diversified portfolio in sustainable international forestry through the ACTIF Aquila Capital Timber Investment Fund S.A., SICAV-SIF. 

Land Use

Aquila Capital entered the New Zealand agriculture market over 10 years ago. The nowadays 3,000-hectares comprising Southland farm portfolio is organic certified to EU standards and collectively became the largest single supplier of grass-fed A2 organic milk in New Zealand and one of the largest suppliers worldwide. 

The portfolio is managed by Aquila Sustainable Farming Limited (ASF), Aquila Capital’s New Zealand-based asset management company. 

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Carbon Forestry & Land Use
Portrait Edward Daniels
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Carbon Forestry

Timber and Carbon

Sustainably managed commercial forests can play a vital role in combatting climate change while serving as a low-risk, long-term asset class for institutional investors. Edward Daniels, Team Head Forestry at Aquila Capital, explains the company’s timber and carbon strategy.

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