Zwei Investoren besprechen aktuelle Investitionen

REO II Spanien Projektentwicklungs GmbH: Partial Termination 08/21

| REO II Spanien

The issuer of the Company's 2017 / 2021 bearer corporate bond, ISIN: DE000A2GS2C7 - WKN A2GS2O, hereby announces that on 26 August 2021 it exercised the option granted to it under § 7.1 of the terms and conditions of the bonds (“Anleihebedingungen“) to make an early partial redemption of the bonds by ordinary (partial) redemption. The partial redemption will be made in the total amount of EUR 4,378,000, which corresponds to 55.0% of the original nominal amount. Consequently, an amount of EUR 5,500.00 will be paid out per partial bond with a value date of 29 October 2021.

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