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Aquila Capital offsets CO2 emissions of PEI Alternative Insight’s 2019 Global Summit in Berlin

| Press Release

  • Cooperation with KlimaInvest Green Concepts neutralizes roughly 1,100 tons of CO2 emissions caused by participants and the event location via investments in certified climate protection projects

Hamburg, 12 March 2019 – The alternative investment specialist Aquila Capital has mandated KlimaInvest Green Concepts, a Hamburg-based energy and climate protection agency, to offset all CO2 emissions related to this year’s Global Summit 2019 by PEI Alternative Insight in Berlin, one of the world’s biggest conferences on infrastructure investments. The emissions, caused by travel and accommodation of the participants as well as the venue’s consumption in terms of water, heating, catering, and others, will be compensated by targeted investments in certified climate protection projects. The event’s CO2 footprint will amount to approximately 1,100 tons.

Roman Rosslenbroich, Co-Founder and CEO of Aquila Capital, comments: “As environmental partner of this year's Global Summit, we are delighted to be able to draw attention to the important issue of climate change by making the conference climate-neutral. At Aquila Capital, we have always been committed to sustainability and it is important to us to encourage other companies to act climate conscious as well. The possibilities here are endless and can be economic and ecological at the same time. We have produced over 8.9 TWh of electricity since our first acquisition of a renewable energy asset. This translates to supplying 2.5 million European households for one year and CO2 emission savings of roughly 3.6 million tons. With our European Energy Transition-strategy, we invest not only in the production of renewable energy but also in its storage and transmission technologies so that we can provide green electricity regardless of the time of year or day. We are also acting sustainable in the Real Estate sector, for instance by investing in green logistic centers or offsetting our residential properties‘ greenhouse gas emissions.“

At this year’s Global Summit 2019, Aquila Capital is once more represented as panelist and speaker, among other topics in the context of specialized asset management and hydro investments.

Aquila Capital has been working with KlimaInvest Green Concepts since its foundation in 2009 to offset the CO2 emissions of the entire group. The climate initiative adheres to the Gold Standard and VCS (Verified Carbon Standard) standards.

Additional information regarding ESG topics can be found here:

About Aquila Capital:
Aquila Capital develops alternative investment solutions for institutional investors worldwide. Founded in 2001 and owner-managed, the investment company considers itself a fiduciary for its clients and applies a holistic approach to managing customised real assets and financial assets.

Aquila Group’s client base consists predominantly of institutional investors in Europe and Asia. Over 200 professionals located in ten offices globally implement efficient investment strategies via fund structures and individual mandates. The Aquila Group comprises Aquila Capital Investmentgesellschaft mbH, which is licensed by the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) to act as an alternative investment fund manager in Germany, and Alceda Fund Management S.A., which is licensed as an alternative investment fund manager and UCITS management company in Luxembourg by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF).

Further information is available at:

Daniela Hamann Aquila Capital team member

Daniela Hamann
Head Corporate Communications

Phone: +49 40 87 5050-150
