Methodology for CO2e avoidance by the Aquila Group
The CO2e avoidance is based on the assumption that electricity generated by the renewable energy assets fed into the electricity mix displaces the same amount of current grid mix electricity generated (e.g., coal, gas, nuclear etc.) – and therefore also displaces the corresponding CO2e emissions of the displaced mix. The regional electricity grid mix composition [in %] for 2022 is based on the IMAGE 3.2 Model and the SPP2 Scenario (1.9 Wm2) and multiplied with the respective technology-based emission factor (in g CO2e/ kWh) (‘technology-based emission factor’) as well as with the 2022 production by the renewable energy investments fed into the grid (‘gross CO2e avoidance’). The technology-based emission factors originate from renowned sources (IEA, EcoInvent and the German Environmental agency) and contain CO2e-emissions from the whole life cycle of the technology. From the gross CO2e avoidance then the assets‘ own annual CO2e emissions are subtracted, considering that a renewable energy asset generates CO2e emissions over its whole life cycle (e.g., from raw material sourcing, construction, operations, decommissioning) which must be considered and resulting in the final value displayed.
The calculation of the average European household consumption is based on 2018 Eurostat data (https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat). The average EU-27 household electricity consumption per person (in MWh/capita) is multiplied by the average EU-27 household size resulting in the average consumption of electricity of the average household size (in MWh/household). The electricity generated by the assets is divided by the EU-27 average consumption of electricity and household size (in MWh/household) resulting in the final value displayed.
The (gross) CO2e avoidance and the European household consumption are approximations and do not necessarily reflect the exact impact of the investment in renewable energy capacities nor can it be guaranteed. The cited sources of information are believed to be reliable and accurate, however, the completeness, accuracy, validity, and timeliness of the information provided cannot be guaranteed and the Aquila Group (meaning Aquila Capital Holding GmbH and its affiliated companies within the meaning of §§ 15 et seq. Stock Corporation Act (AktG)) accepts no liability for any damages that may arise directly or indirectly from the use of this information.