We decided to become UN Global Compact participant to maintain focus on human rights and good governance.

Aquila Capital is a stake of Aquila Group. As such, our sustainability strategy is integrated in the Group’s commitment to become one of the world’s leading sustainable investment and development companies for essential assets by 2030.1 Our focus on clean energy in the form of wind energy, solar PV, hydropower and battery storage, sustainable infrastructure such as green logistics and data centres, and development of new asset classes like carbon forestry, energy efficiency and growth private equity in climate change mitigation, is crucial to the world’s transition to Net Zero. We believe this is a trend with tailwinds that will last throughout the decades.
To show commitment to our mission, Aquila Group set a group wide goal to avoid 1.5 bn tonnes of CO2e by 2035 in its portfolio's lifetime. For context, this is equivalent to the current fossil fuel emissions for electricity generation in Europe or 4% of worldwide CO2e emissions in 2021.2 We plan to achieve this goal by initiating, developing, and managing essential assets along their entire value chain and through their full lifecycle, around the world.
Our mission can be implemented across four ambitions.
By 2030 we aim to be:
Our key achievements
- Aquila Group AuM reached 15 bn EUR AuM (up 2%).
- Increased Article 8 & 9 penetration under Sustainable Financial Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) to 88% from 73%.
Entered strategic partnership with Commerzbank with joint goal to triple Aquila Group's AuM in 5 years³.
Read more about the progress that Aquila Group entities have made in our Sustainability Report.


The Solar Stewardship Initiative (SSI), aims to develop supply chain transparency and strengthen confidence in how, where and by whom solar products and components are manufactured. One of the key bodies behind the SSI is SolarPower Europe (SPE). In 2022 we became a member of SPE, along with other key stakeholders in the solar value chain, from polysilicon producers to independent power producers.

We became a signatory of the Principles for Responsible Investment in 2018. By signing, we have committed to integrate the six principles for responsible investment throughout our investment process. Additionally, we are contributing to developing a more sustainable global financial system and sustainable environment and society by implementing these principles.

Aquila Capital became a GRESB member. GRESB assesses the sustainability performance of real estate and infrastructure portfolios and assets worldwide.
1 Essential assets include anything related to expanding or renovating the world’s low-carbon infrastructure. Currently this includes clean energy (wind energy, solar pv, hydropower and battery storage), sustainable infrastructure (green logistics and green data centres) and specialty asset classes such as carbon forestry, energy efficiency, and growth equity in climate change mitigation.
2 Worldwide CO2e emissions in 2021 were 40.8 billion tonnes according to the International Energy Association (IEA).
³Subject to the necessary regulatory approvals.